
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2005

The bad quality of store bought bread and the influence of family members that were baking bread at home


mild sour taste

Sapore e aroma

Fofo top shot
Fofo jar shot
Fofo front shot
Fofo rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 90% Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • g Durum
25g mother starter 90g water 80g durum flour 20g freshly milled whole wheat flour
g Durum

Metodo di lavorazione

Got a small piece from my grandmother FOFO 18 years ago and i have baked many different kinds of bread since then! First made according to the Orthodox tradition with Holy Water from the Holy Cross Feast on the 14th of September. After several feeds the sourdough was ready.
90% Water


Cyprus Country bread

Bread made with 70% durum flour 10% type 00 and 20% whole wheat durum. 75% water and 20% sourdough starter and 2% salt
Fofo Cyprus Country bread first overview
Fofo Cyprus Country bread second overview
Fofo Cyprus Country bread first slice
Fofo Cyprus Country bread second slice

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