Agador Spartacus recipe

Agador Spartacus

San Juan Capistrano, CA, Vereinigte Staaten
Perfekter Sauerteig


Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere
Agador Spartacus

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seit 2013

Cost & Interest

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

revived from near dead when moved from so cal to or ... major shift in climate from sea level and coastal humidity to 3500' and desert humidity. fed based on results, result seems to be pretty resilient

Geschmack und Aroma

Agador Spartacus top shot
Agador Spartacus jar shot
Agador Spartacus front shot
Agador Spartacus rising shot


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 4Cup Water
  • 2lbs Sweet potatoes
  • 1Cup Ap flour

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

  • 100g Water
  • 100g Ap (or bread) flour
use or discard half of existing starter, then stir in new flour and water. set aside to rise, loosely covered.
100g Water 100g Ap (or bread) flour


Slice sweet potatoes into medium chunks. Place into boil for approx. 45 minutes.
4Cup Water 2lbs Sweet potatoes
combine 1/2 cup sweet potato water with flour, mix vigorously
1Cup Ap flour



Usually boules, but used for general levain for various bread items.
Agador Spartacus Variety first overview
Agador Spartacus Variety second overview
Agador Spartacus Variety first slice
Agador Spartacus Variety second slice

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