Sir Anthony Hotcakes recipe

Sir Anthony Hotcakes

Granville, Estados Unidos


Líquido Farinha Outro
Sir Anthony Hotcakes

Preserve sua Fermentação Natural para o futuro

Create your own Explore sourdough library

desde 2015

I love eating sourdough and baking bread. It seemed like the obvious next step.


Distinct sour taste. Very nice chew. Slow ferment during baking, but it's worth it. Very even, fairly tight crumb that holds sandwich fillings, spreads, jams, etc very well.



Ingredientes iniciais

  • 125g Bread flour
  • 125g Water
  • 250g Starter

Ingredientes para alimentar

I discard 250g of starter, and feed with 125g of flour and water. 2 pt starter : 1 pt flour : 1 pt water. I do this every other day. Sometimes daily to ramp up activity before a bake.

Método de trabalho

I discard 250g of starter, and feed with 125g of flour and water. 2 pt starter : 1 pt flour : 1 pt water.
125g Bread flour 125g Water 250g Starter

Preserve sua Fermentação Natural para o futuro

Create your own Explore sourdough library