Since 1916
I don;t remember. I always been interested in all things food. My first starter was created from commercial yeast originally and is currently 3 years old. The blossom started was created after reading so many members on the facebook page Perfect Sourdough creating starters using flowers,herbs and fruit.
It is slower than my other starter in getting ready for use. It has a unique odor. Smells like flowers and wild things. It waked very well with a rye chocolate bread I made. The flavor was too intense for a Savarin cake , I tried to make, but it was good when I turn it into a bread pudding adding cream , eggs, vanilla and grand marnier.
Taste & flavour
Starting ingredients
Feeding ingredients
Pull container from fridge, pour off hooch. add 1/2 c. flour(AP unbleached or bread flour) and 1/4 to 1/2 of water depending on how much original starter was left. This water cool from the tap.
Working method
I collected wild blackberry blossoms and a red rose blossom. I place these flowers in a jar with water and a squirt of agave syrup. Stayed in jar for about three days. After listen to the jar and seeing tiny bubbles, and remove some of the liquid add to flour to for a stiff dough. It took a day before I saw healthy activity. It was then used to make bread successfully.
This starter was created 2016. I currently can't figure out how to edit the date.