Pirata recipe


Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2020

I can't start the day without a good piece of bread with marmalade or "dulce de leche". Many years ago in Bolivia you couldn't find good bakeries, now a days we have many options, some of them a little expensive, so I start making my own bread. I love eat (now make) bread! My own natural yeast... yeah! I can't wait to feed it up and use it.


My Pirata sourdough starter it's from March 19th, 2020, so I didn't taste it yet. ill let you know very soon... March 22th I've made a incredible banana bread (recipe from web), the starter works great (see attached pictures). March 25th it's going great, good smell and it's definitely alive!

Sapore e aroma

Pirata top shot
Pirata jar shot
Pirata front shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 51.61% Wheat
  • 48.39% Whater

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

I "discard" approximately half of the starter from the jar, and then I add 1/2 cup of the same flour and 1/4 cup of the same water. With the "discard" I've made a incredible banana bread.

Metodo di lavorazione

March 19th, 2020 Pirata Sourdought Starter 51.61% all purpose wheat flour (000 Florencia Brand) 48.39% bottle water (Villa Santa)
51.61% Wheat 48.39% Whater


Pirata Sourdough Starter

My first banana bread ever, with my magical Pirata starter. I'm enjoying this!
Pirata Pirata Sourdough Starter second overview

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