
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2020

I love the way to create a bread, from the starter and all the steps! So what’s the best way to make a bread? It’s Start to create “my” sourdough!! And then, I love the time I spent to feed the sourdough, every day!


slightly acid but with a very intense scent of bread, the smell you feel when you enter in a bakery

Sapore e aroma

Aussie top shot
Aussie jar shot
Aussie front shot
Aussie rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • g Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

Take 20g of sourdough, add 20g of room temperature water and 20g of strong flour (in Italy we call “Manitoba”, it’s an high protein flour, 14%) Hand mixed for 2 minutes

Metodo di lavorazione

I started my sourdough with only water and flour. No sugar, no water with fruits and no help, only water and high protein flour. Now I still feed my sourdough with only water and flour, once a day in winter and 3 times for day in summer. I feed him with 1:1:1
g Water

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