Fiona Appolonia recipe

Fiona Appolonia

Los Angeles, États-Unis


Liquide Farine Autres
Fiona Appolonia

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Depuis 2015

My nephew sent us a scale with his started from Canada


Nutty and fresh. I mill my organic hard red and spelt . The loaves are 55% whole wheat 45% high mountain unbkeached organic white. I use sunflower and sesame seeds inside and out. The crust is medium dark and a great crunch. Crumb is not super open but moist and flavorful.

Goût et saveur


Ingrédients de base

Ingrédients pour nourrir le levain


Méthode de travail



1.6 kilo Miches and Batards

1.6 kilo Miches and Batards
Fiona Appolonia 1.6 kilo Miches and Batards  first overview
Fiona Appolonia 1.6 kilo Miches and Batards  second overview
Fiona Appolonia 1.6 kilo Miches and Batards  first slice

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