Pasta Madre Grande Impero recipe

Pasta Madre Grande Impero

Rome, Italia


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Pasta Madre Grande Impero

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desde 2004

We are sons of a baker. After decades of producing every type of bread, I've decided to stop and dedicate myself entirely to createting a new concept: the "real bread". Now, after almost 20 years, I can say that it was the right choice.


Our sourdough is very active: with it we bake every day a real artisanal sourdough bread and it gives a very crunchy texture which melts in your mouth.


Pasta Madre Grande Impero top shot
Pasta Madre Grande Impero jar shot
Pasta Madre Grande Impero front shot
Pasta Madre Grande Impero rising shot


Ingredientes de partida

  • 25kg Grande impero's pasta madre
  • 75kg “0 type”
  • 70kg Water

ingredientes de alimentación

  • 100% Nothing
Since we bake with our sourdough every time the sourdough would need feeding, we don't need to add anything else. Every day we take a piece from the sourdough that we will use to bake and use it as our new starter.
100% Nothing

método de trabajo

Grande Impero's Pasta Madre, which is 18 years old
25kg Grande impero's pasta madre
Add “0 type” flour to the mixture
75kg “0 type”
Add water to the mixture
70kg Water



Its appearance is reminiscent of an ancient aristocrat from the Roman Empire: majestic yet refined.
Pasta Madre Grande Impero Classico first overview
Pasta Madre Grande Impero Classico second overview
Pasta Madre Grande Impero Classico first slice
Pasta Madre Grande Impero Classico second slice

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