
Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere

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seit 2020

Just like a lot of other Dutch people, I started baking bread during first Covid Lockdown. But the ambitious girl as I am and in need for a weekend challenge, decided to go for the best and hardest, straight from the start. And then I fell in love with the taste, feeling of the dough and structure. .

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

Strong wired, elastic. Work a lot with it and getting to know it better every week.

Geschmack und Aroma

Stef top shot
Stef jar shot
Stef rising shot


Zutaten für den Starter

  • g 100
  • ml 100

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

I feed it once a week . Taking the jar out of the fridge and removing half of the starter. Then adding Bar-Le-Duc mineral water. These are the amounts when I don't use it for baking that weekend. But when I'm going to bake, I first refresh with these amounts (Thirsday night) and feeding 12 hours later again with the double amount (Friday morning).


Wheat flower from ancient local mill
g 100
Bar-le-duc mineral water
ml 100


Daily bread (with wheat /spelt) Raisin bread Cheese mustard bread Baguettes
Stef  first overview
Stef  second overview
Stef  first slice
Stef  second slice

Bewahren Sie Ihren Sauerteig für die Zukunft auf

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