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seit 2020

I generally love bread. At the beginning of the pandemic, I started learning how to bake from YouTube just for fun. At first, it was just a challenge for me to bake a beautiful and perfect loaf. So I continued to learn more and practice a lot more. And BOOM, I suddenly fell in love with this magical world and now it is my whole life.

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

Because I use a mixture of white flour and almost all kind of flour (ancient grains like kamut, spelt, emmer, einkorn, teff and etc), hormzi has his own unique character of diversity.

Geschmack und Aroma

Hormzi top shot
Hormzi jar shot
Hormzi front shot
Hormzi rising shot


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 100% Flour
  • 100% Water

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

I use a mixture of all kind of flour. But the majority is the Canadian bread flour.


100% Flour 100% Water



Sourdough Breads with different flour, pizza dough, baguette and Criossants. Unfortunately I don't have much pictures
Hormzi Bread  first overview

Bewahren Sie Ihren Sauerteig für die Zukunft auf

Kreieren Sie Ihren eigenen Sauerteig Entdecken Sie die Bibliothek


It's a nice feeling to be part of the SOURDOUGH family