Clint Yeastwood recipe

Clint Yeastwood

Coeur D Alene, Vereinigte Staaten


Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere
Clint Yeastwood

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seit 2016

Better flavor and more beautiful than baking with commercial yeast

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

Sour tang typical of San Francisco

Geschmack und Aroma

Clint Yeastwood top shot
Clint Yeastwood jar shot
Clint Yeastwood front shot
Clint Yeastwood rising shot


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 85% Dough

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

Mix in ingredients for regular baking allow to proof See above (80% wheat bread flour (20% whole wheat flour (75% water (2% salt


Remove enough dough for baking
85% Dough
Add to the culture left in the mixing/proofing container: 80% wheat bread flour 20% whole grain wheat flour 2% salt 75% water
Mix with a stick (by hand) until all flour has been hydrated
Stretch and fold 3-4 times (allowing a minimum of 30 minutes rest between folds) over the next 20-30 hours.
Remove enough dough for baking. Repeat
Refrigerate the remaining culture in the summer time and anytime it will be inactive longer then 2 days. For best results bake at least every week to 10 days. If your culture will be/has been neglected over 3 weeks don’t expect great results in next cycle or two.


Clint Yeastwood  first overview
Clint Yeastwood  second overview
Clint Yeastwood  first slice
Clint Yeastwood  second slice

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