Uncle Fester recipe

Uncle Fester

Castle, Соединенное Королевство


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Uncle Fester

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С 2020

I was in lockdown and had the time to experiment with different starters. I now have two different ones. Uncle fester now has Gomez to keep him company.


Very active and the resulting bread had a good rise. it was active immediately and needed no encouragement to make the dough rise.

Вкус и аромат

Uncle Fester top shot


Ингредиенты для стартера

  • 50g Strong white flour
  • 50g Tap water

Ингредиенты для обновления

  • 50g Tesco strong white flour
  • 50g Tap water
Take a bowl and measure out 50g Tesco strong white flour and then add 50g of tap water. Stir this into the jar and leave.
50g Tesco strong white flour 50g Tap water

Метод работы

Add flour and water and mix together. Put into a kilner jar,leaving slightly open.
50g Strong white flour 50g Tap water
Leave with lid open near patio door for the whole day. Close the lid overnight. Add 50g Tesco strong white flour and 50g tap water.
Repeat this process for 5 days adding flour and water each night.
On the fifth day split the mixture into two containers. Use one half to make the bread keep the other half as next starter.
To make the bread add 500g strong white flour, the sour dough mixture, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1tablespoon oh honey. I used a little more water to mix together to make a dough.


Loaf of bread

Uncle Fester Loaf of bread first overview
Uncle Fester Loaf of bread second overview

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I hope to have a mini sour dough library of my own from places I visit in the UK.