Страна происхождения Австралия

& Flavour
С 2019
I started baking bread in 2018 to tighten my budget, be healthier and learn a new skill; I wanted to try something different. In 2019 I began attempting sourdough in an effort to stop buying yeast which came in plastic sachets, and be more self reliant in my baking. After the first successful attempt (there were - and have been- many failures) I was hooked on the process and flavour of sourdough
Ryean has a wonderful fruity smell, specifically pineapples, due to the acidity and sweetness and maybe because we live in Brisbane. He spends most of his time in the fridge and is only fed rye flour. Ryean is a generous and patient starter, but is always ready for a party. He always gives a wonderful resulting bread and adds a delicious deep, malty, fruity flavour.
Вкус и аромат

Ингредиенты для стартера
- 30g Water
- 20g Rye
Ингредиенты для обновления
- 30g Water
- 30g Rye
Метод работы
Sourdough Kimchi Pancake

Fruit Loaf

Hot Cross Buns


Wholemeal Rye sourdough

White Sourdough