
Líquido Farinha Outro

Preserve sua Fermentação Natural para o futuro

Create your own Explore sourdough library

desde 2020


my first sourdough is named after the late adam yauch. It's very simple and it smells as flour with a slight hint of acid. i'm using it to bake focaccia as well of simple bread and it works just fine. I have to perfection the way i knead and bake bread so I can't fully judge the sourdough but up until now it produces tasty, slightly acid bake and focaccia, with wide and dense enough alveoli.



Ingredientes iniciais

  • 100g Water
  • 75g Flour
  • 25g Yogurt

Ingredientes para alimentar

  • 100g Flour
  • 100g Water
I take my sourdough off the fridge, i let it rest and warm for about a hour. I refresh it with 100 to 150 g of strong w300+ flour and the same amount of water, let it rest in the oven with the lighth on until it's matured within (it takes about 2 hours and a half), take whatever i need to bake and then take it back in the fridge. sometimes I feed it a little but of barley malt.
100g Flour 100g Water

Método de trabalho

I started my sourdough by mixing 100 g of (good alps') tap water, 75g of 00 common uses flour and 25g of common white yogurt. Then I kept on refreshing it, taking 100g of it and mixing with 100 g of water and 100 of strong w300+ flour, for about 6 days untile is doubled its volume withing 4 hours. The I kept storing in the fridge and having it refreshed anytime i baked. About twice a week.
100g Water 75g Flour 25g Yogurt

Preserve sua Fermentação Natural para o futuro

Create your own Explore sourdough library