Wilden's  Sourdough  Starter recipe

Wilden's Sourdough Starter

GIFFORD, Estados Unidos


Líquido Farinha Outro
Wilden's Sourdough Starter

Preserve sua Fermentação Natural para o futuro

Create your own Explore sourdough library

desde 1919


My Sourdough story began over 60 years ago. My parents visited a friend in Boise, Idaho for several days and when they returned home to Southern California, they brought with them a sourdough starter. The story they told to me was that the starter was over 40 years old at that time. Which makes it over 100 years old now. I was raised on sourdough pancakes, sourdough bread, and sourdough surpri



Ingredientes iniciais

Ingredientes para alimentar


Método de trabalho

Ingredients: 1. 2 cups starter 2. 4 cups whole Milk 3. 4 Tbs Sugar 4. All Purpose flour to thicken 5 . Set aside for 12 hours then divide into one cup portions of Ball jars.

Preserve sua Fermentação Natural para o futuro

Create your own Explore sourdough library