Willy's Ole Starter recipe

Willy's Ole Starter

Harrison, United States


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Willy's Ole Starter

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Since 1990

Read an article on sourdough bread baking in San Francisco and started researching and making sourdough breads.


Definitely a sour, yeasty white bread with maybe a hint of acetic acid in its flavor. Generally a good, active rise with

맛과 풍미


Starting ingredients

Feeding ingredients

If not used, the starter is taken out of the refrigerator every 3 to 4 months and reactivated by following the above steps.

Working method

Remove sourdough starter from refrigerator and let set at room temperature for 8-12hours.
Add equal amounts of sourdough starter to water and flour. Example; about 200g of starter, to 200g of flour, and 200g of water. I typically use RO water.
Repeat above util the starter is active and you have sufficient quantity.

Preserve your sourdough for the future

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