Wheat Starter recipe

Wheat Starter

Commerce, United States
완벽한 사워도우


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Wheat Starter

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2014 이후

I became interested in the idea of a wild yeast starter after talking to my brother in law about his bread baking experiences.


This is a liquid levain. I find it much easier to use then stiff dough starters. The Whole Wheat Flour really seems to help it stay active. I only bake 1 - 2 times a week. I have to bring it out of the fridge and to room temperature and refresh it 1 - 2 times each 12 - 24 hours to get it really active before preparing to bake. I haven't had a lot of success with all white flour starters.

맛과 풍미

Wheat Starter top shot
Wheat Starter jar shot
Wheat Starter front shot
Wheat Starter rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 160g Water
  • 25g Ap, unbleached
  • 25g Rye
  • 65g Spring water
  • 50g Ap
  • 65g Spring water
  • 50g Ap flour
  • 65g Spring water
  • 50g Ap


  • 50g Starter
  • 60g Water
  • 30g Whole wheat
  • 30g Bread flour
Set clean jar on scale. Measure starter into jar.
50g Starter
Add tap water
60g Water
Add freshly ground whole wheat flour
30g Whole wheat
Add Bread flour. To get a weak starter going, cover loosely with jar lid and allow to sit on counter at about 75 degrees F for 12 hours. Refresh again every 12 hours or store in fridge. If refreshing from fridge to make bread, allow to come to room temperature before feeding. If used regularly and active, you can feed it just 6-8 hours before making bread. Store extra in fridge.
30g Bread flour


Day 1 Mix 160 g bottle spring water, 25 g Unbleached AP flour, and 25 g Rye Flour. Cover for 24 hours. Stirring every 8 hours to introduce Oxygen.
160g Water 25g Ap, unbleached 25g Rye
Day 2 Mix in 65 g tepid Spring Water and 50 g Unbleached AP flour. Stir until smooth. cover and stir every 8 hours.
65g Spring water 50g Ap
Day 3 Repeat day 2.
65g Spring water 50g Ap flour
Day 4 - 10 Repeat steps above until you have an active bubbly starter.
65g Spring water 50g Ap


Variety of Products

I have made Pizza crust, pancakes, Whole Wheat Crackers, Pretzels, croissants, muffins and several types of bread.
Wheat Starter Variety of Products first overview
Wheat Starter Variety of Products second overview
Wheat Starter Variety of Products first slice
Wheat Starter Variety of Products second slice

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