Rabban the Beast recipe

Rabban the Beast

Stamford, United States


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Rabban the Beast

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2013 이후

A friend share a part of his sourdough with me and I have been baking with it on a nearly weekly basis.


Once the starter has fermented sufficiently, there are small yeast bubbles with a slight tang aroma.

맛과 풍미


시작하는 원료


  • .5Cup Flour, all purpose
  • .5Cup Whole Rye Flour
  • 4oz Water, lukewarm
I remove half to 2/3 of the unfed starter and then add flour, rye flour, and lukewarm water. Mix, and then leave it on the kitchen counter for at least 5-6 hours.
.5Cup Flour, all purpose .5Cup Whole Rye Flour 4oz Water, lukewarm


My sourdough starter was given to me from a fellow baker who purchased the sourdough starter from kingarthurflour.com. This starter was from the late 1700's in the United States.



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