Blue Moon Bagel's San Fran Soun recipe

Blue Moon Bagel's San Fran Soun



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Blue Moon Bagel's San Fran Soun

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I have been making Rye bread with a rye sour perpetuated for over 150 years I have been making sour dough for over 30 years with my own levain which I created using fermented grape juice and banana skins


After 18 hours of fermentation in the dough room 59" degrees f. 100% flour (bread unbleached) 65% water 2% salt 40% leavain for our Sanfrancisco Sour Dough Bread

맛과 풍미


시작하는 원료

  • 1lbs Levan
  • 2lbs Victoria flour
  • 2lbs Water
  • 1oz Organic whole grain rye
  • 7lbs Victoria flour
  • 6lbs Water


We freshen one time at 8am to 1# of levain we add 2# of organic bread flour and 1 oz. of organic rye flour to 2# of filtered water


-At 8am after baking off the production for the day we take the levon out after being kept in a refridgerator over night (58 degree's F)
1lbs Levan
We mix 1lb of Levan 2lbs of organic flour 2lbs of water tempered at 60 °F 1 ounce of organic whole grain rye By hand
2lbs Victoria flour 2lbs Water 1oz Organic whole grain rye
Let rest in open container at room temprature (73°) for 5 hours
-Add 6lbs of water and 7lbs of flour -Mix and let sit in fridge for 18 hours at (59°)
7lbs Victoria flour 6lbs Water

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