Back River Sourdough recipe

Back River Sourdough

Hoarfrost River, Canada
완벽한 사워도우


액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타
Back River Sourdough

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Since 1988

I loved the history and romance of sourdough. After visiting a sourdough bakery in Homer Alaska, I knew I had to make my own and become a sourdough guru.


It has been shared with many people all over the world. It is a friendly, easy keeper with a mild flavour, probably because I use it so often. It doesn't take long to get the bubbles to form on the sourdough and when I forget it for a few days, it is always happy to see me when it does finally get fed.

맛과 풍미

Back River Sourdough top shot
Back River Sourdough jar shot
Back River Sourdough front shot
Back River Sourdough rising shot


Starting ingredients

  • Cup Flour

Feeding ingredients

  • Cup Flour
It depends on my day and needs. I may feed it everyday or I may feed it once a week. I must say that I am not very scientific about the time and temperature and somehow my sourdough continues to be good to me.
Cup Flour

Working method

I started this with flour and water on a canoe trip in 1988. It has travelled with me to United States, Greenland, northern Canada and Norway. I only use flour and water and it remains a vigorious starter. It has had some ups and downs but mostly it is a strong mixture. Because I live in the bush of norther Canada I use lake water and what ever flour I have. Mostly I use Robin Hood Unbl White
Cup Flour


Danish Ryebread

After a trip to Iceland and Denmark, we knew we had make our own version of this popular bread using our sourdough.
Back River Sourdough Danish Ryebread first overview
Back River Sourdough Danish Ryebread second overview
Back River Sourdough Danish Ryebread first slice
Back River Sourdough Danish Ryebread second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library