
Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2021

I wanted to start eating bread again, after a long period of avoiding it, but wanted to control the ingredients and cooking process


Very bubbly, most of the time Forms very long, stretchy strings of dough when moved around

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 50% Water
  • 40% Organic white wheat flour
  • 10% Rye flour

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 40% Organic white wheat flour
  • 10% Organic rye flour
  • 50% Water
Remove from fridge. Scoop out a small amount to discard (about 80g to 100g). Add more flour and water in the above mixture.
40% Organic white wheat flour 10% Organic rye flour 50% Water

Metodo di lavorazione

Fairly typical; I mix organic white wheat flour with organic rye flour to a 4:1 ratio, and then add an equal part (50%) water.
50% Water 40% Organic white wheat flour 10% Rye flour

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