The Hulk
dal 2020
The corona pandemic started in March 2020. That's why I had to bake my own bread. Due to the hoarding behavior, there was no more yeast for sale. After buying O-Tentic to replace the non-deliverable yeast, I started my own sourdough to try..... Now our family is so attached to sourdough breads that we can't live without them because the breads are so tasty.
It makes nice and tasteful breads for family use. It is good for croissants, baguettes and also bread with rye. The Hulk and his alter ego, Charming Quark are twins. The Hulk is the wheat component, Charming Quark is the rye component. Regularly, + - every 10 days their yeast cells and lactic acid bacteria are exchanged and interchanged.
Sapore e aroma

Ingredienti di partenza
- 15g Water
- 7.5g Whole grain
- 7.5g Durum flour
Ingredienti per il rinfresco
- 5g Starter
- 15g Wheat flour
- 15g Water
Discard the surplus in the discard jar.
Keep 5 gram of Hulk.
Add 15 grams of water.
Stir until it is all liquid.
Add 15 gram of Wheat flour and Durum ( about 50/50 )
Keep 2 hours in the room temperature.
Put into the fridge ( 10°C to 12°C)
5g Starter
15g Wheat flour
15g Water
Metodo di lavorazione
“The Hulk” is born on 25 September 2020. The first 2 months he was fed by a lot of different flours and yeast waters etc. Now he is mainly activated with wheat flour an Durum. About every 10 days he is also fed with 5 grams starter from the discard jar, which contains also Rye. This rye are surpluses from my other starter, Charming Quark, which is fed with rye.
The Hulk is now stable en reliable
15g Water
7.5g Whole grain
7.5g Durum flour
Daily Bread
Mostly I bake bread with 50% or more white flour.
I add some Rye and some whole wheat flour.

Experimental bread.
Sometimes I bake bread with black sesame, surplus barley malt, roasted red rice flour etc.
With 50% wheat flour.

Luxury bread
Baguettes and croissants with the invaluable help of The Hulk. :-)

Update June 2021: The first months of my sourdough life I experimented with some different starters. Sometimes with "The Hulk" as a base, but mostly from scratch.
I tried different kinds of rice, red and black rice (e.g. Rice Berry and Rizo Nerone) , wild rice (Zizanian Manomin), and Black Sesame. All those starters had a name and started nice and tasty breads. But most important for now : the surpluses of those starters were discarded in a jar. Now and then "The Hulk" was inoculated with it.
All those experimental playing was very educational and fun but took to much from my time. I decided to continue with The Hulk only.
Although he carries a whole history with him form all those inoculations from the discards he lives now happily with a mix whole wheat flour and Durum Rimacinata.
The Hulk makes nice breads. :-)
Since the end of 2022 The Hulk is mostly feeded with wheat flour only.
Now and then he has a single feed with rye flour.
During the summer of 2023 I switched from wheat to spelt. As a result, the Hulk's diet has also changed. His diet now consists of 5 grams of starter, 15 grams of water + 5 grams of spelled whole wheat and 10 grams of spelled flour.
After a fourteen day vacation in September 2023, during which the Hulk was left lonely and alone in the refrigerator, The Hulk smelled bad. A disaster !
I immediately started a completely new sourdough.
In the meantime, I have feeded the Hulk 2 to 3 times a day, trying to save him. His temperature was kept as best as possible at around 25 to 27 C° with the help of a thermos jug.
After two weeks he smelled wonderfully fresh again. Me very happy! The Hulk also :-) .