Bill recipe


Alexandria, Stati Uniti d'America


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2018

A friend suggested I try it.


It's very active and very flavorful. The crust is nice a chewy and it has a good (but not too sour) taste.

Sapore e aroma

Bill top shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 60g King arthur all-purpose unbleached flour
  • 60g Water
  • 50% Starter
  • 30g King arthur all-purpose unbleached flour
  • 30g Water
  • 30g Starter
  • 50g King arthur all-purpose unbleached flour
  • 50g Water
  • 30g Starter
  • 50g King arthur all-purpose unbleached flour
  • 50g Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

Measure out starter amount, add flour, add water, stir , cover, leave at room temperature.

Metodo di lavorazione

This starter was created in March 2018 to honor my father's 80th birthday. It is named after him. I used the process outlined in Teresa Greenway's eBook "Make Your Own Sourdough Starter from Scratch." I used local tap water, purified with a Brita water filter. I used King Arthur All-Purpose Unbleached Flour. ************************ Day 1: Mix 60g of flour with 60g of water. Cover.
60g King arthur all-purpose unbleached flour 60g Water
Day 2: Stir. Do not feed. Cover and let stand at room temperature.
Day 3: Discard about half of the starter and feed with 40g water and 40g flour. Stir well and cover.
50% Starter 30g King arthur all-purpose unbleached flour 30g Water
Day 4: Discard all but 30g of starter. Feed with 50g water and 50g flour. Start to feed 2x a day.
30g Starter 50g King arthur all-purpose unbleached flour 50g Water
Day 5-14: Continue to discard all but 30 grams of starter and feed 50g flour and 50g water, 2x per day. Ready to bake on day 14.
30g Starter 50g King arthur all-purpose unbleached flour 50g Water



Bill Boule first overview
Bill Boule second overview


Bill Batard first overview
Bill Batard second overview

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