Alfred recipe


Šentvid pri Stični, Slovenia


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2022

After falling in love with bread baking I figured this was the next step to achieving what I really wanted.


Alfred ferments very fast and has no problem going without feeding for longer amounts of time. He's gone without feeding for as much as a momth and was ready to bake the next day after just one or two feeds.

Sapore e aroma


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 100% Manitoba
  • 50% Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 100% Manitoba
  • 50% Water
  • 100% Starter
I weigh all the ingredients in a bowl and since he's a stiff starter I then knead Alfred into a smooth ball and let him rest at room temperature for 2-3 hours. If I don't plan on baking he will then rest in the fridge until the next feeding. If I do plan on baking I'll let him rest at room temperature until I bake the next day, usually around 17 hours for a total of 19-20 hours.
100% Manitoba 50% Water 100% Starter

Metodo di lavorazione

Combine both flour and water (I did 100g of flour and 50g of water) in a bowl. Put in a jar and let rest at room temperature for 24 hours. Feed every 24 hours at a ratio of 2:2:1 (starter:flour:water) and just keep going. You should notice slow rises and falls after around 4 days but even if you don't just keep going. It will eventually start rising and falling and should be ready after 2-3 weeks.
100% Manitoba 50% Water

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