
Liquide Farine Autres

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Depuis 2016

Back in 2018 we lost all good bakeries in my town. Remembering my initial starter experiments I decided to start baking on my own. Soon after a rye sourdough came to life, the one which is referred herein.


If fresh, the sourdough gives a great oven spring, bread rolls and bread gets real fluffy. Taste is mild, with a light roasted flavour.

Goût et saveur


Ingrédients de base

  • g Rye (type 997)
  • g Water

Ingrédients pour nourrir le levain

  • g Water
  • g Rye
I feed the sourdough once a week or before and after baking. Ingredients are identical to initial setup: 70 grams water, 70 grams rye flour.
Add 70 grams water to the sourdough.
g Water
Add 70 grams rye flour (type 997) to the sourdough.
g Rye
mix thoroughly for even consistency, let it sit in the fridge until next baking.

Méthode de travail

Prepare 70 grams of rye flour, german type 997
g Rye (type 997)
Prepare 70 grams water, as cold temperature as the faucet will provide
g Water
Mix the prepared flour and water to become the starter. After one day mix 70 grams rye flour, 70 grams water and 70 grams of the sourdough startet and mix thoroughly for even consistence. Repeat for 5 days. The discard can be used for baking but won't give a rise.

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