I read about baking with sourdough on internetforums and on blogs about baking bread. I was already baking bread with fresh organic yeast, and was fascinated by using your own sourdough-culture as proofing agent. So I decided to give it a try.
My starter is about 10 months old now. I started it as 100% organic whole rye starter. After a few weeks, when it was really active, I converted the starter into a 100% organic whole spelt starter.

- 50% Water
- 50% Organic whole rye flour
- 33.3% Starter
- 33.3% Water
- 33.3% Organic whole rye flour
- 33.3% Starter
- 33.3% Water
- % Organic whole rye flour
- 33.3% Starter
- 33.3% Water
- 33.3% Organic whole rye flour
- 8% Motherdough
- 46% Water
- 46% Organic whole spelt flour
I take 8% starter/ motherdough (5 grams) from the fridge, add 46% (30 grams) of water at 29°C and 46% (30 grams) of organic whole spelt flour.
I let this sit on the counter for 2 or 3 hours and then put the starter back in the fridge again.
I feed my starter shortly for each use.
8% Motherdough
46% Water
46% Organic whole spelt flour
Day 1:
Mix 100 gr. of water at 29 °C and 100 gr. of organic whole rye flour in a glass. Let it sit for 24 hours on the counter at roomtemperature with the lid loose on top of the glass.
50% Water
50% Organic whole rye flour
Day 2:
Take 100 gr. of the mixture of day 1 and discard the rest. Add 100 gr. of water at 29 °C and 100 gr. of organic whole rye flour and mix. Let it sit for 24 hours on the counter at roomtemperature with the lid loose on top of the glass.
33.3% Starter
33.3% Water
33.3% Organic whole rye flour
Day 3 until day 7:
The starter already could be active on day 3, but it does not have the correct culture yet.
Take 100 gr. of the mixture of the day before and discard the rest. Add 100 gr. of water at 29 °C and 100 gr. of organic whole rye flour and mix. Let it sit for 24 hours on the counter at roomtemperature with the lid loose on top of the glass.
33.3% Starter
33.3% Water
% Organic whole rye flour
At day 7 the starter should be able to double in size within 6-8 hours and will be ready for baking. If not, then continue with feeding as in the previous day until the starter cab double in size within 6-8 hours.
33.3% Starter
33.3% Water
33.3% Organic whole rye flour
Spelt breads
Whole spelt and spelt type 630, mostly with sunflower-, pumpkin-, sesame- and flaxseeds. Sometimes I add 0,3% yeast.