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С 2019

In 2016 while visiting a local bookstore, I stumbled upon a book that told about sourdough baking. The thought of connecting back to the roots of baking was exciting. Since then, she has been a trusted and a reliable baking companion through years. The journey to learn more about the craft, the science behind it, and the love for baking continues.


Varpu is my dearest and second sourdough starter with character! It has a hint of roastiness and saltiness in it, but it also has a gentle sweet flavor in it. It is a versatile starter and easily converts to pure wheat, rye, barley, etc. starter for many doughs. Varpu is always kept as a wheat-rye starter, but works as a small seed for many other sourdoughs depending on the dough being made.

Вкус и аромат


Ингредиенты для стартера

  • 100% Water
  • 90% Wheat
  • 10% Rye

Ингредиенты для обновления

  • 100% Water
  • 200% Sourdough
  • 90% Wheat
  • 10% Rye
Take 30 grams of sourdough from the fridge. Add 15 grams of flour mixture and 15 grams of water. After it has doubled in size, continue feeding it to full required amount of starter for the dough and take 60 grams of it to store in the fridge.
100% Water 200% Sourdough 90% Wheat 10% Rye

Метод работы

100% Water 90% Wheat 10% Rye

Сохрани свою закваску для будущего поколения

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