
액체(리퀴드) 밀가루 기타

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library

2019 이후

Sourdough Tain - The bread of soldiers of the Serbian Army. One soldier took his mother's advice to the heart and spent eight years carrying his first portion of bread as the lucky charm. During the wars from 1912-1918. The Tain of Aleksa Zdravkovic is kept to this day in the Museum of Ponisavlje in Pirot. I would like to make Tain again, with my own hands. It will be my tribute paying to them


Part of Serbia where I was born has orchards of plum. The export of smoked plums was the main product starting in the twentieth century. When I do prepare water for my sourdough, I am firstly cooking a few smoked plums. Them I make my sourdough to taste by this aroma.

맛과 풍미

Petarsen top shot
Petarsen jar shot
Petarsen front shot
Petarsen rising shot


시작하는 원료

  • 100% Flour


  • 100% Flour and water
Mixing, measuring the amount of flour and water into glass jar and mixing again. Covering loosely.
100% Flour and water


Preparing Starter - Kom in my native language. I am using flour and water 1:1
100% Flour


Sourdough pizza Sourdough cookies made with a disposed of starter Italian Ciabatta
Petarsen  first overview
Petarsen  second overview
Petarsen  first slice
Petarsen  second slice

Preserve your sourdough for the future

Create your own Explore sourdough library


The local Pomoravlje Museum still has Tain of the soldier whom it was 1912 personally given. My idea is to obtain a piece of sourdough rye bread (108 years old) and to make the continuity of making the same type of bread.

I have an inner feeling it is an archetype of man to ensure provisions that personal family has not only a sufficient amount of bread. But also that daily bread is of the best quality. By process of making sourdough bread, with own hands, both are fulfilled.

My personal experience guarantees that there is no limitation to start to make own bread at home.