
Liquido Farina Altro
Pão Nosso

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dal 2009

Searching for best breads, best flavor. Feeling the magic of baking.


Very full bodied, grainy, medium acidity, giving breads with strong flavor.

Sapore e aroma

Pão Nosso top shot
Pão Nosso jar shot
Pão Nosso front shot
Pão Nosso rising shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 100% Wholemeal Wheat Flour
  • 67% Water
  • 33% Sourdough starter

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 100% Wholemeal Wheat Flour
  • 67% Water
  • 33% Sourdough starter
I feed with wholewheat flour, in three parts, fresh water in two parts, and one part of my chef. I wait from 4 to 8 hours to use it.
100% Wholemeal Wheat Flour 67% Water 33% Sourdough starter

Metodo di lavorazione

I feed with wholewheat flour, in three parts, fresh water in two parts, and one part of my chef.
100% Wholemeal Wheat Flour 67% Water 33% Sourdough starter


Bread, essencialy, in a traditional way and classic recipes.
Pão Nosso  first overview
Pão Nosso  second overview
Pão Nosso  first slice
Pão Nosso  second slice

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