Lievito madre perfetto


Liquido Farina Altro

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dal 2017

I have tried for years to make European style white bread with big holes. I used yeast but did not succes well enough. Then I falled in love with sourdough.


Allways makes great breads if the baker is awake. Stays happy in the fridge but when gets some warmth and food is ready for action.

Sapore e aroma

Maestro top shot


Ingredienti di partenza

  • 15g Rye
  • 50g Wheat
  • 50g Water

Ingredienti per il rinfresco

  • 100g Tyngän mylly wheat
  • 100g Starter
  • 100g Water
I take it from the fridge day before I am going to bake at 5 pm. and let it warm up for 5 hours. Then I feed it 1:2:2 with Tyngän Mylly wheatflour. I use 28 ˚C water. I put it to the oven with light on (26 ˚C) overnight. In the morning ar 8 I feed it again 1:1:1 . After 3 hours it is ready for action.
100g Tyngän mylly wheat 100g Starter 100g Water

Metodo di lavorazione

Wheat and rye flour was mixed with water and let sit in room temp.
15g Rye 50g Wheat 50g Water


Pan fried Finnish burbot

Pan fried burbot that is floured with dried sourdough bread crumb flour
Maestro Pan fried Finnish burbot first overview
Maestro Pan fried Finnish burbot second overview
Maestro Pan fried Finnish burbot first slice
Maestro Pan fried Finnish burbot second slice

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