Tranquility Acres Levain recipe

Tranquility Acres Levain

Bandon, Vereinigte Staaten


Flüssigkeit Mehl Weitere
Tranquility Acres Levain

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seit 1922

I've Baked for 44 years and sourdough starters were always part of it. This particular starter has been to every job I've had since 1988 although it is a couple centuries older than tha.

Charakteristische Eigenschaften

It's tangy with a nice sweetness. Maybe it's all that pacific ocean air...

Geschmack und Aroma

Tranquility Acres Levain top shot
Tranquility Acres Levain jar shot
Tranquility Acres Levain front shot
Tranquility Acres Levain rising shot


Zutaten für den Starter

  • 900g Water
  • 900g Tranquility acres
  • 900g Shepard grain high gluten

Zutaten für die Auffrischung

Mix starter and water well and then add flour and mix well


Add water to a mixing bowl.
900g Water
Add Tranquility Acres starter and mix well with water.
900g Tranquility acres
Add Shepards Grain high gluten flour and mix well.
900g Shepard grain high gluten


Sourdough Croissant

Our all butter sourdough croissant
Tranquility Acres Levain  Sourdough Croissant first overview
Tranquility Acres Levain  Sourdough Croissant second overview
Tranquility Acres Levain  Sourdough Croissant first slice
Tranquility Acres Levain  Sourdough Croissant second slice


A classic French baguette which as will all of our breads, has our Tranquility Acres starter in it.
Tranquility Acres Levain Baguette first overview
Tranquility Acres Levain Baguette second overview
Tranquility Acres Levain Baguette first slice
Tranquility Acres Levain Baguette second slice


Our pizza crust is loaded with our starter and baked in our wood fired pizza oven.
Tranquility Acres Levain Pizza first overview
Tranquility Acres Levain Pizza second overview
Tranquility Acres Levain Pizza first slice


Our classic levain with our sourdough starter
Tranquility Acres Levain Levain first overview
Tranquility Acres Levain Levain second overview
Tranquility Acres Levain Levain first slice

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This starter landed in New York from Ireland over 100 years ago carried by a young 5th generationIrish baker. It's over 200 years old

The age toggle doesn't let me go farther back than 1922. How do I go back farther?