Bewahren Sie Ihren Sauerteig für die Zukunft auf
Kreieren Sie Ihren eigenen Sauerteig Entdecken Sie die Bibliothekseit 2018
The first time I was introduced to s sourdough starter I was fascinated, it was a generational starter from New Zealand. Unfortunately I killed it, then went to a bread baking course and killed another. I felt more determined to create my own starter and fell in love more and more with the simplicity of flour, water and salt and its ability to become a generational treasure for future baking!
Charakteristische Eigenschaften
Bubbles have a very mild personality, not very acid or potent. Bubbles have a very lovely nutty smell with a slight tangy smell/taste. Some days she can be very mellow and slow whereas other days she reach for the skies.
Geschmack und Aroma

Zutaten für den Starter
- 60% Bread flour
- 20% Rye flour
- 20% Whole wheat flour
- 100% Water
Zutaten für die Auffrischung
- 15g Sourdough starter
- 15g Flour mix
- 15g Water
I remove my starter from the fridge, measure some out (15g) and feed it with my 60% white 20% whole wheat & 20% rye flour mixture (15g initially)and an equal amount of water (15g)
I repeat the feeding process 2x a day in the winter or 3x a day in the summer. I also often change the feeding ratio of Sourdough:Flour mix: Water from1:1:1 to 1:2:2 depending on the weather/temperature.
15g Sourdough starter
15g Flour mix
15g Water
I maintain a liquid starter, which I feed with a mixture of bread flour, rye flour and whole wheat flour. When not in use I store Bubbles in the fridge, then when planning to bake (weekly) I feed the starter for a few (usally 2 days) days (2 / 3 time a day) to get it nice and active before baking.
60% Bread flour
20% Rye flour
20% Whole wheat flour
100% Water
Sourdough Bread
Bread of varing formulae, nothing specific with whole wheat, rye and bread flour, enriched with eggs or butter.

Sourdough Baguettes
These are a special favourite of mine and I regularly get addicted to them all over!

All things sweet
I also love baking sourdough hot cross buns. Brownies or waffles with excess starter is also a favourite.